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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Joe Manchin News

Senator Joe Manchin Breaks Away From Democratic Party

Conservative Democrat to Retire, Form Independent Caucus

Unexpected Announcement Stuns Capitol Hill

In a stunning move, Senator Joe Manchin III (D-WV) has announced his decision to quit the Democratic Party and form an independent caucus in the Senate. The conservative Democrat, who has served in the Senate since 2010, had previously stated that he would retire at the end of his term in 2024. However, this latest announcement has sent shockwaves through Capitol Hill and is likely to have significant implications for the upcoming midterm elections and beyond.

Manchin's decision to break away from the Democratic Party is a major blow to the party's leadership, especially given his pivotal role in the Senate. Manchin has often been the deciding vote on key legislation, and his departure will make it even more difficult for the Democrats to pass their agenda. It is also a significant victory for Republicans, who have been eager to weaken the Democratic majority in the Senate.
