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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Senator Joe Manchin Quits Democratic Party

Senator Joe Manchin Quits Democratic Party

West Virginia Democrat to Become Independent

No Immediate Impact on Party Control

Senator Joe Manchin III, the conservative West Virginia Democrat who has said he will retire at the end of his term in 2024, has quit the Democratic Party to become an independent. The move is unlikely to have an immediate impact on party control of the Senate, as Manchin has already caucused with Democrats and is not expected to change his voting patterns.

Manchin, 75, has been a thorn in the side of Democratic leaders for years, often siding with Republicans on key issues. He has been a vocal opponent of President Biden's agenda, and he has blocked several of the president's nominees. Manchin's departure will give Democrats a slimmer majority in the Senate, but it is unlikely to change the balance of power in the chamber.

In a statement, Manchin said he was leaving the Democratic Party because he believes it has become too extreme. He said he is "a centrist who believes in bipartisanship" and that he can better represent his constituents as an independent. Manchin's departure is the latest in a series of defections from the Democratic Party. In recent years, several other conservative Democrats have left the party, including former Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and former Governor Jim Webb of Virginia.


Senator Joe Manchin's decision to leave the Democratic Party is a significant development in American politics. It reflects the growing divide within the party between its progressive and moderate wings. Manchin's departure is a blow to Democratic leaders, but it is unlikely to have a major impact on the balance of power in the Senate. It remains to be seen whether Manchin's move will inspire other moderate Democrats to leave the party. However, it is clear that the Democratic Party is facing a challenge from within as it tries to balance its progressive and moderate wings.
