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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Umpire Angel Hernandez Retires From Mlb After 30 Years

Umpire Ángel Hernández Retires from MLB After 30 Years

Controversial Umpire Calls It a Career

Ángel Hernández, a Cuban-American umpire, has announced his retirement from Major League Baseball (MLB) after a 30-year career. Hernández has been a controversial figure in the game, with many criticizing his officiating.

Hernández was born in Cuba on August 26, 1961, and moved to the United States as a child. He began his umpiring career in the minor leagues in 1989 and made his MLB debut in 1991. Hernández worked in the National League from 1991 to 1999.

In 2007, Hernández filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against MLB. The lawsuit was unsuccessful, and Hernández continued to ump in MLB. However, he has continued to be criticized for his umpiring, and his retirement has been met with mixed reactions.

Some players and fans have welcomed Hernández's retirement, saying that he was one of the worst umpires in the game. Others have defended Hernández, saying that he was a good umpire who was simply misunderstood.

Regardless of the controversy surrounding him, Hernández is a significant figure in MLB history. He is one of only a few Hispanic umpires to work in the major leagues, and he has been a part of some of the most memorable moments in baseball history.
